How to Get Ulta Deluxe Content for The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe Edition, which was released as a standalone game on April 27th, 2022, contains everything contained in the original Stanley Parable Game, but also conceals a considerable quantity of new material that isn't visible at first sight. To begin seeing how all of the new stuff plays out, you'll need to know where to look first and then progress through a few possible endings.

You'll be asked whether you've played The Stanley Parable previously when you first start the game. Whatever you choose, you'll have to travel through the game's primary ending, known as the Freedom Ending, as well as a couple additional cycles before anything new occurs.

If you choose not to play The Stanley Parable, you may have to go through up to 7-8 different endings before the additional material appears.

Those who pick The Stanley Parable as their game of choice will only need to go through 2-3 different endings before the extra material appears.

Before beginning a new run, make careful to exit the game completely to the main menu, rather than just restarting it, to ensure that crucial modifications take effect.

When you notice a new door slightly ajar where the previously shut door to Chamber 416 was, immediately before the Two Doors room, you'll know you're beginning to witness the impacts of the Ultra Deluxe Edition. It will have a prominent sign that states New Content, which will signal the start of the New Content Ending.

You'll be treated to a small rail ride with a tantalizing pitch on new content that's waiting for you in the Ultra Deluxe game if you take this path, and after a short elevator ride, you'll find it in the form of... a small circle where you can press the interact button to jump instead - but only for a limited number of times.

This appears to be the end of the new content, but if you restart the game with the Narrator, you'll be taken through a vent to discover that the Narrator has built a Memory Hall to relive the glory days of the original game, confident that The Stanley Parable does not require any additional features, content, or sequels. The Narrator, however, will invent a skip button for their speeches after reading certain Steam Reviews, which will leave Stanley alone in a lonely wasteland after going forward too far.

When you restart the game, you'll notice that the same door now advertises even more new content, at which point the Narrator will try to sell you on the idea of a true sequel by having you walk through a giant expo hall with planned features like a bucket, collectibles, office decorations, and more, starting The Sequel Ending. The Narrator will understand that it simply has to be added to what's already there, and will finish things off with a snazzy new title screen - and you'll discover that you're no longer playing The Stanley Parable Deluxe Edition, but the Stanley Parable 2.

Playing the game from this point on will feature new aspects and endings that have been added to the main game. You'll still be able to acquire all of the original endings, as well as whole new endings and mysteries, depending on what additional choices you make in addition to the original ones. For example, you can still achieve the Freedom Ending by following the main route, but if you pick up the bucket along the way, you'll get a completely different ending.


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